We perform X-ray and neutron scattering/spectroscopy experiments at large-scale facilities like synchrotrons and neutron sources to study the static and dynamic properties of crystal lattices, electrons, spins and their interactions in condensed matter systems. We also perform in-house X-ray diffraction and transport measurements.
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS)
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[3] H. Lu et al., Science 373, 213 (2021).
Neutron Scattering
[4] N. S. Headings et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 247001 (2010).
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[8] R. I. Bewley et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 637, 128 (2011).
Useful Links
[DAWN] [RIXSToolBox] [SpinW] [Sunny] [SpinWave] [McPhase] [McStas] [FullProf] [HORACE] [TobyFit] [MSLICE] [PACE] [MANTID] [DAVE] [MJOLNIR] [Data-Slicer] [ISOTROPY] [EDRIXS] [QUANTY] [CTM4XAS] [ICSD] [The Materials]